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Our Island

Simple actions you can take to support the people and places you visit

We invite you to enjoy the natural surroundings of our island while promoting its conservation and sustainability. Below are some recommendations to help preserve our environment:

  • Enjoy nature with your family: We encourage you to visit our beaches or mountains with your family and reflect on the value of clean, green, and preserved spaces.
  • Protect wildlife and their habitat: Please avoid participating in activities that could harm animals or their natural environment.
  • Responsibility with waste: Always pick up your rubbish when outdoors and teach your children not to litter, both outside and at home, considering our planet as their "global home."
  • Fire prevention: Be cautious with cigarettes and any sources of fire, especially in bush areas.
  • Energy conservation: Turn off lights when not needed and the air conditioner when windows are open.
  • Water conservation: Please ensure that taps are fully turned off and that there are no leaks. We also recommend avoiding long showers to save water.
  • Reusing towels and sheets: Follow the signs to reuse towels and sheets to minimize environmental impact.
  • Use of public transport: If possible, please use public transportation. We offer a free shuttle bus to the beach.
  • Water-saving in the bathroom: Use the "half flush" option in the toilet when appropriate.
  • Recycling: In your room, please separate your waste to facilitate recycling. Our staff will take care of it, and you may also use the recycling points located in communal areas.
  • Reduction of plastic use: Use reusable bags and containers instead of plastic bags.
  • Access to drinking water: We provide water fountains for your use, and offer refillable bottles for your convenience.

We appreciate your collaboration in preserving the environment and taking care of our beautiful island.